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While we already love reading to our children,” Alissa Wilkinson’s article offers several great points for keeping reading fun. She encourages us to read more, particularly when busy schedules take over. All of us can benefit from being more intentional about finding the time to settle down with a kiddo and a book.
Here are highlights from the article, along with my read-with-a-child tips.
Reasons to read books:
· aids in the brain’s development of understanding others,
· can heighten feelings of empathy,
· establishes a great foundation for socio-emotional learning, cognitive development, reading appreciation, and so much more.
Several strategies for reading more often:
· keep library and personal books close by to grab during downtimes
· make it a communal activity by having story time during playdates/play groups, especially as a calming effect during rambunctious activity or to soothe hurt feelings,
· read what you and your kiddos enjoy instead of choosing books to meet other people’s expectations, include STEAM/STEM selections, imaginative, and simply silly stories.
These features a few suggestions. Check out the whole article for more information, great tips, and tools for getting back into the habit of reading.